Thursday, January 28, 2010

Etiquette Wedding Gift Overdue Months What Are The Gift Etiquette For A Wedding?

What are the gift etiquette for a wedding? - etiquette wedding gift overdue months

We have been donated to the couple in the shower and wins weddning invited .... another gift or a gift for the bride and groom should shower all you give?


hairdvs said...

I am surprised by the responses I've seen here. I worked hundreds of weddings in the last few years and I've never thought that so many people have responded to two donations was not required. Normally, when you take a shower gift is a card for the wedding appropriate. It is absurd and grossly wait on one person to two scholarships for the same occasion. People usually bring gifts that marriage because it has the first opportunity to give a gift, but if you separate a gift for a bachelor party, a wedding, while generous, is not required. If you can not go without a wedding gift and believe you should buy two, give something small and personal in the shower, and a typical wedding gift at the wedding, but two gifts are not necessary.

hairdvs said...

I am surprised by the responses I've seen here. I worked hundreds of weddings in the last few years and I've never thought that so many people have responded to two donations was not required. Normally, when you take a shower gift is a card for the wedding appropriate. It is absurd and grossly wait on one person to two scholarships for the same occasion. People usually bring gifts that marriage because it has the first opportunity to give a gift, but if you separate a gift for a bachelor party, a wedding, while generous, is not required. If you can not go without a wedding gift and believe you should buy two, give something small and personal in the shower, and a typical wedding gift at the wedding, but two gifts are not necessary.

hairdvs said...

I am surprised by the responses I've seen here. I worked hundreds of weddings in the last few years and I've never thought that so many people have responded to two donations was not required. Normally, when you take a shower gift is a card for the wedding appropriate. It is absurd and grossly wait on one person to two scholarships for the same occasion. People usually bring gifts that marriage because it has the first opportunity to give a gift, but if you separate a gift for a bachelor party, a wedding, while generous, is not required. If you can not go without a wedding gift and believe you should buy two, give something small and personal in the shower, and a typical wedding gift at the wedding, but two gifts are not necessary.

Apple21 said...

No, the shower is a gift, and the marriage is a gift to share. You have until 1 years after the wedding, the marriage can, but most people think, just before the wedding, marriage, or within one month after the wedding.

Wide Awake said...

Yes, you need a second donation.

A label, which others have not mentioned - Make sure you send your wedding gift to the address before marriage. Only the truth or the idea to bring a gift for a wedding, and that's on the bride's family to monitor the whole day, if there are more important things (like marriage!)

Tara P said...

I'm sorry to tell you, but you still need to give a gift. The shower gift is usually cheaper than the wedding.

Rachael said...

If you are in the shower, which was donated to file with the couple, so you do not get to all of the wedding. If you are in the shower, which was specifically for the bride, then you are a gift that can be used as a pair, must be donated.

should be working said...

Yes, unfortunately, still a gift. Gift provided separately for each shower and after the marriage. Weddings are expensive!

sirtitan... said...

American culture is not a label for weddings. Most weddings I have in this country are really cheap. Part of the reason is that people give minimum amounts of cash as a gift. I've been to pay where the brother and the woman together $ 100 as a gift. Spanish weddings, Jewish, Italian and I are very different. It is cheap and married people tend to give a minimum of $ 150 per capita. Newlyweds usually an advantage in these marriages. Most couples in this country to bankruptcy for a wedding, as customers are cheap.

Lepke said...

Usually, when we're invited into the shower and accept, give a gift. Then give a wedding gift if you attend.

Holiday Magic said...

Most people give a gift to the shower, and in cash (or check) for the royal wedding.

Holiday Magic said...

Most people give a gift to the shower, and in cash (or check) for the royal wedding.

tonalc1 said...

The practice of giving is voluntary. However, if the gift that he gave the couple a shower, he was entering, I would say it enough.

If you have a gift for the wedding, a nice thing to do is to send him to his house, so no need to collect all the presents.

SPONGEBO... said...

You've got two presents. ONE for the shower and one for the wedding.

daljack -a girl said...

Invited everywhere does not automatically mean you should give a gift.

Giving a donation is voluntary.

So you can give a small gift in the shower and a great gift for the wedding ... or a great shower gift or as a gift to the wedding .... or absent.

Lewis A said...

Gift for the sower, and $ $ $ for the wedding

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