Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby Formula Allergy How Do I Know If Baby Has Allergy To Formula?

How do I know if baby has allergy to formula? - baby formula allergy

Our daughter was born, is premature and Neosure. Latley feeding, grunting and they scrunch their bodies as to stern wanted. He begins to cry and scream. I thought he wanted to go to the toilet, but said a lady, it seems that an allergy to his formula that babies who suffer from allergies. It takes me hours to eat at their 3 oz then alittle feed grunts and screams to stop belching and then try again. We do it over again until the bottle is gone. I know she is hungry, but because they are in pain when I eat. I have as my doctor did not jump on me, but I just wanted to know whether this is a sign Mabey who is allergic to Neosure?


Anonymous said...

It sounds more like gas bubbles. Is it better after belching? An allergy would not cause him to complain that shortly after a meal or during meals. At least I do not think so.

Anonymous said...

Really sounds like acid reflux. Both my kids have it really bad.

What you can try while you went to wait for the doc to call them in a semi-standing, not in the hold of the basic traditional dishes.

I had my two children in Zantac put it finally reached the point where she refused to eat, it hurts too much. It was the only thing what was with the guard, like a boppy or bouncy seat work.

Anonymous said...

Really sounds like acid reflux. Both my kids have it really bad.

What you can try while you wait to call the doc came to her in a semi-standing, not in the hold of the basic traditional dishes.

I had my two children in Zantac put it finally reached the point where she refused to eat, it hurts too much. It was the only thing what was with the guard, like a boppy or bouncy seat work.

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